We offer free shipping worldwide
Scheduled to be shipped within 90 working days of the end of June 30. unless unexpected uncontrollable events, due to weather or other adverse elements, happen
Specially designed and for Mini QBABY
We include one pair of basic hands +2 pairs of other hands (true pair only for this limited time benefit giveaway for this booking)
Use leather straps to connect the parts
Height: 15.6cm
Chest circumference:11.3cm
Waist circumference: 12.5cm
Hip circumference: 14.5cm
Leg length: 8cm
Foot length: 2.5cm
quares of the same colour mean they are a correct combination! I hope this helps you to make the right choice

Tip: Handmade with minor imperfections, which are normal.
🔈Korean buyers please note: your name, telephone number and personal code must be filled in in detail. Name and address must be in Korean. Thank you for your cooperation. http://inspection.e-kc.vip/ Please use this link to check your information. Make sure it is correct.