1 Questions about shipping timescales

Because it is a pre-ordered product, we need sufficient time to complete production after receiving your order. Therefore, we will ship your order 90 days after we have received it to complete high quality production. Thank you for your order and for your patience.

2  About the eye size of the second season

Both the ABS version and the BJD version we give you a complimentary eye piece and eye ball.

The ABS eye piece is 9.8 mm in size. Note that some of the middle BLYTHE eye pieces can be used.

BJD if you want to use glass eyeballs

QBABY with a 26CM head circumference use 16MM diameter glass eyeballs

QBABY with a 20CM head circumference use 12MM diameter glass eyeballs

This is our complimentary eye piece


2 The use of eye sockets and the installation of spherical eyes